Bending wedges

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By DennisB

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  • 7 Replies
  1. DennisB

    New Lowell, ON

    I would like to have a 53 degree wedge and was wondering if it better to bend a 54 down or a 52 up. I was thinking about going with 48, 53, and a 58 Or should I keep my gapping @ 48,54 & 60

  2. Jason R

    Jason R
    Ottawa, ON

    Depends on what you want to do to the bounce (as a secondary effect). Strengthening the loft reduces bounce while weakening the loft increases bounce. I went with taking a 56 to a 55 but YMMV.

    WRT to the highest loft, it really depends on your comfort and use of the club. I rarely (almost never) take a full swing with my 60 - for me it is a specialty around the green, in the bunker etc. type of club and I use it a lot. If I thought I would use it more for a full swing, I would most likely go 58. Again, YMMV - it really depends on your use case.
  3. James Young

    James Young
    Costa Mesa, CA

    As Jason mentioned bounce... each 1* of loft change will alter bounce 1*. 54* bent to 53* will decrease loft 1* - so a 54.10 will change to a 53.09.

    But I had the same dilemma as you - 48*, 52*/54* and 58*. More importantly, a 52* Vokey only comes in the F grind - pretty standard sole meant for full shots but doesn't allow for different shots around the green where you might want to open the clubface.

    However 54* Vokey's are available in F, D & S grinds - allowing for more versatility around the greens. I went 54* S grind bent to 53* for gapping to the 48*.

    Hope this helps.
  4. DennisB

    New Lowell, ON

    Thanks Jason and James,
    Some food for thought. Haven’t decided yet on which way I’ll go, but now I have an idea to play with and see what works better.
  5. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    dennis b said:

    I would like to have a 53 degree wedge and was wondering if it better to bend a 54 down or a 52 up. I was thinking about going with 48, 53, and a 58 Or should I keep my gapping @ 48,54 & 60

    I tend to bend strong for less bounce on some wedges.
  6. Not sure if you play T300 or higher, but when I was fitted to my T300 I ended up buying the 48 and 53 wedge sets and haven't looked back. I just like the forgiveness as those are my full swing clubs. I do have the 56F and 60D in the bag to compliment my inside 100yd clubs

  7. Todd J

    Todd J
    Calgary, Alberta 🇨🇦

    Maybe ask this question under the vokey thread.
  8. James G

    James G
    Kitchener, Ontario, ON

    Bend the 52 up. It already likely comes with less bounce and the shaft will be 1/4" longer and allow you a better fuller wedge swing.

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