Lie Angle Adjustments

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By Dr. Kovatchian

  • 7 Replies
  1. Dr. Kovatchian

    Dr. Kovatchian

    What are some clues that your iron lies are off and in need of an adjustment? Having some contact issues and I'm thinking the lies are off.

    Cheers, Dr. K

  2. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Think it might affect where you are striking the club. The middle, toe, the heel. When I was fitted, I know that my my correct lie is 2* lie and I have that check on an annual basis as well as the lofts. Any reputable custom shop can check those for you if you know your specs. My swing coach notice that I was striking my putts on the toe and pushing most to the right. Seems my toe was up and recommended that I get the lie lowered 1* and it has really helped. Professional help makes the difference.
  3. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    For me it was ball flight. The regular lie was resulting in "toe up" contact which was contributing to a bit of a hook. 2 degrees flat was straightening out the ball flight (when I occasionally swung it correctly). I would suspect inconsistent face contact might be a different issue that you might want to seek professional help. Never hurts to get your club lies checked anyway, Anything to prolong the day when your son Jack starts to beat you on a regular basis. :)
  4. Dr. Kovatchian

    Dr. Kovatchian

    Dale V said:

    For me it was ball flight. The regular lie was resulting in "toe up" contact which was contributing to a bit of a hook. 2 degrees flat was straightening out the ball flight (when I occasionally swung it correctly). I would suspect inconsistent face contact might be a different issue that you might want to seek professional help. Never hurts to get your club lies checked anyway, Anything to prolong the day when your son Jack starts to beat you on a regular basis. :)

    Dale Jack is still the second best player in our house.
    That being said he is a million times better than my 14 year old self.
    He can really golf his ball...Super long off the tee and fearless around the greens.
    Looking forward to the High School Golf years.

    Dr. K
  5. J22abe


    Best thing to do is go to a range and draw a sharpie line on the ball. Place that perpendicular to the ground and hit the ball. It will leave a line on your club face. If it's straight up and down you're good. If it's going toward the toe you need to go flatter and going to the shaft you need to go upright.


    It depends if your strike issue is consistently the same spot then it could be a result of the lie angle.

    If you find your ball fading then you may need a more upright lie angle and vice versa if you are drawing the ball.

    A fitting would be the place to start!
  7. Tom P

    Tom P
    Stanley, NC

    If you are striking the golf ball properly and everything feels good, but all your shots go either left or right, then you need to get your lie angles adjusted. The best way is to hit shots off of a lie board.....a fitter or local pro should have one. I think it’s best to hit shots outside so you can see the entire ball flight.
  8. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    Michael Y is correct; if the ball is going right of the target the irons could be too flat; left of the target too upright.If you really want to dial it down a little further,put a piece of black electrical tape on the sole of the iron and hit some shots off a lie board. The wear mark on the sole should tell you if the club is flat, upright or ok.

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