AMT White Tour S300's

Follow Thread

By Dr. Kovatchian

  • 4 Replies
  1. Dr. Kovatchian

    Dr. Kovatchian

    Currently playing the AMT White Tour S300's. I'm looking for feedback regarding shafts that may be easier to play than the AMT's. I like the shaft but they feel rigid at home course is Bermuda turf that plays soft and thick in the fairways...think velcro. Looking for ideas of what to try when fitted for the new T-series Irons.

    Have you played the AMT's? Have you moved on to something else? What options should I look at?

    Cheers, Dr. K

  2. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    I am currently playing AMT Red R300 (107-95) in my original T300 irons and like the feel but thought about looking at the Nippon, KBS and Project X shafts this fitting for the new T350 forged irons. They were not options when I ordered mine back in 2019, without an upcharge.
  3. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    So many options available. It comes down to a personal feeling that only you can decide on. Assuming you are going to a legit Titleist fitter (and hitting off grass), best bet is to inform them of your concerns before you start and let them suggest a few options.
  4. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Include the Aerotech steel fiber shafts in your trial matrix.
  5. Jarryd S.

    Jarryd S.
    Charleston, MO

    I'm playing AMT Whites with the T300 irons. Really like the feel. Haven't felt the rigidness that you mention. My home course is Bermuda but i wouldn't say it is thick. At my fitting this past year, they threw a device on a club and had me swing. It gave a read out of the top five shafts that would be best for me. The whites felt the best in my opinion.

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