Aerotech Steelfiber i95 reg vs Project X LZ 5.5

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By TDelaney

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  • 4 Replies
  1. Looking at the T150 3-PW, any advise between the following shafts Aerotech Steelfiber i95 regular vs Project X LZ 5.5 ???

    hcp 12 moderate swing Age 62

  2. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    Here it comes......see a fitter. There are as many shafts available as there are swing types. Nuff said.
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    You really need to try both and see which responds best and feels best for your swing.

    The Aerotech is 95 g and is 2.5-2.1 in torque, and the Project XL is 115 g and 2.0-1.7 torque, so the Aerotech should launch a little higher. The Aerotech is also an uncharge shaft. But many older players like the softer feel of the shaft.

    As well as get fit for the irons. It is not common that the T150 3 iron will still gain 5 mph ball speed over the 4 iron in a 60+ year old. Let alone the 4 iron over the 5 iron. Not to say this applies to you but it does to a lot in that age group. We all want to live the dream, but in all likelihood you may lose some swing speed into your late 60's. Just another consideration if you plan on keeping this set longer than the next release.

    Good luck in finding the set of your dreams. The new T-series was for me.
  4. pulplvr

    Spring, TX

    I tried the Aerotech Steelfiber 95's, along with another shaft or two, during my fitting for the T 150's. Did not find the performance much different from the NS Pro 880 AMC Chrome that I had in my T100s's, so I stuck with what has worked for me. I'm 79 and play off 8-10.
  5. Try to find a place you can hit them prior to ordering - I have a post in here about the MMT.

    I will say I order the project x 6.5 for myself over the MMT.

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