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Follow Thread

By Alex

  • 9 Replies
  1. Or own one of these TT hoodies?

    One of the coolest these I’ve seen out of the Team Titleist gear and I’ve seen a fair few things I absolutely love

    I’d love to be able to walk round in one of these beauts show off the awesome community

    What do you guys make of it?

    Post Image
  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    We received this one as a welcome gift at the TTI in Bandon a few years back. We received a thin, all black FJ hoodie with white TT logo at the TT International in St. Andrews last year. We also received a navy and grey FJ hoodie with the TT logo at the TTI in Scottsdale last November. I enjoy wearing all three. Hate to see someone getting rid of theirs already.
  3. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    Love em and super soft!
  4.  Anthony D.

    Anthony D.
    Long Island, NY

    Those are sweet! I know items like that being so difficult to get adds to the aura of it but I wish they were easier to access for Team Titleist members! I am an off course ambassador for Titleist and I still can't get my hands on any Team Titleist merch!
  5. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Go to an event.
  6. Micah Z

    Micah Z
    Redfield SD

    What type of event would I be able to get this at?
  7. Micah Z

    Micah Z
    Redfield SD

    What type of event would I be able to get one of these?
  8. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    The hoodie pictured here was the TTI at Bandon Dunes a few years back. We got a nice FJ hoodie with the TT logo at last year's TTI Scottsdale. The big events like the annual TTI and the International are most likely the only ones that will include a t-shirt, polo, and maybe a hoodie or wind-shirt. Smaller local events will likely have a small welcome package with maybe some golfballs, hat, bag tag, or divot tool. All good as anything that you get and can associate with the memories of the event are special. Just buying items that say TT do not have near as great of a meaning than wearing or using something that you can associate time spent with fellow TT members.
  9. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Micah Z said:

    What type of event would I be able to get one of these?

    Most likely a Team Titleist Invitational event as Dale already mentioned. You also need to consider that there is no guarantee that you will receive and specific TT item. This particular grey hoodie is awesome. The one I have has gone through multiple washings and is still holding up. I do like the fact that the particular design has that worn look to begin with, so you don't lose much over time.
  10. Chris P

    Chris P
    Katy, TX

    One of my favorites. It definitely draws some attention and questions.

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