Looking for a new golf bag

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By Stacie S

  • 15 Replies
  1. Hey guys!

    I'm looking for a new golf bag (preferably Titleist) and I need some recommendations. It doesn't have to be a Women's Bag since I'm open to all sizes and colours, however if you have suggestions on why I should lean to one more than the other for certain benefits or features, please let me know. Pictures and product names help.

    Thanks :)

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    For me, bag selection starts with how I play golf. If I primarily walk, a carry stand bag is required. I’m not a big guy so a lightweight carry bag is ideal. I have used the Players 4 and also the Players 4 Carbon. The Carbon works great for me because I don’t carry a lot of other things that would require a lot of pockets. The past year I moved to a golf community and we all drive our own golf carts. For my EZGO I use the Cart 14 bag as it never comes off the back of the cart. Another consideration, Titleist now makes a Players 4S bag. It is slightly shorter which better fits ladies and youth clubs. Use the link at the top of the website and look through all the styles and color offerings. Hope this helps.
  3. Dale V said:

    For me, bag selection starts with how I play golf. If I primarily walk, a carry stand bag is required. I’m not a big guy so a lightweight carry bag is ideal. I have used the Players 4 and also the Players 4 Carbon. The Carbon works great for me because I don’t carry a lot of other things that would require a lot of pockets. The past year I moved to a golf community and we all drive our own golf carts. For my EZGO I use the Cart 14 bag as it never comes off the back of the cart. Another consideration, Titleist now makes a Players 4S bag. It is slightly shorter which better fits ladies and youth clubs. Use the link at the top of the website and look through all the styles and color offerings. Hope this helps.

    I agree with Dale...great input!
  4. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I referenced the Players 4 S but it was a Players 4 Carbon-S and I believe it has been dropped out of the 2024 offerings although a few still remain from 2023 inventory at retail stores if you search them out.
  5. Ron T

    Ron T
    Grapevine, TX

    I've walked for several years now and switched to the LinksLegend... it's more of a classic look and style. It is smaller than a lot of bags on the market but when walking, I don't carry much.

    I can't speak to the cart bags simply because I haven't had one of those since 2005.
  6. I walk all my rounds and i go between the Players 4 Carbon and the Players 4. Both are lightweight and has all the essential pockets, but the Carbon is a bit smaller and lighter and has cool looking legs, but the Players 4 has the extra range finder pocket that comes in handy. If i had to go with a single bag setup I would go with the Players 4 just for the extra range finder pocket.
  7. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    My Cart 15 stays mounted on the back of my cart. It's like having a locker on 4 wheels. I also have a Players 4 that I use when going to the range.
  8. I, too, have been looking at adding another carry bag and I am really interested in the Linkslegend. A must for me is full length dividers. I wish there were so additional color options on them.
  9. I just recently got the Titleist premium stand bag it’s beautiful. Functionality wise it’s good if you walk and carry it is a little heavier than some of the other options like the players 4. But if you walk with a cart it’s perfect there is tons of room for everything you could need.

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  10. Palmer


    Just wondering if you carry 14 clubs and if there's any issue with club tangle? I'm currently using a Players 4 and I'm thinking about switching. I'm not a fan of the 14 way bags. I've heard the Links Legend bags also have issues with tangle when carrying all 14. The Premium bag is probably as heavy as I'm willing to go.
  11. JKeiter

    Morgantown, PA

    Just picked one up myself and love it. I enjoy walkihg when it’s not extremely hot out and thus far it hasn’t felt too heavy at all. While noticeably heavier than the Carbon bag, it’s only because the Carbon bag is just soooo darn light.

    The premium bag just looks so much nicer than the other bags with the stitching and the straps are ACTUALLY premium with extremely comfortable padding
  12. Don B

    Don B

    I currently have a Players 4 from a few years, but am thinking it might be time for a new one. Also, my son just started to play more, so I think I may be giving him my old Players 4..
  13. Just bought the stadry 14. It’s a bit bulky but has all the storage I need. I like having separate compartments for each club. Size and weight isn’t too bad since I use a pushcart when walking.
  14. Military
    I had picked up a Sun Mountain bag for my push cart and didn't mind the single strap too much. I came across on a $100 deal for a brand new Hybrid 14 bag, which I originally planned to flip. I made the mistake one night I decided to see how my full Titleist setup looked in the bag, tried the straps on and it was over. Ended up selling the Sun Mountain and haven't looked back. The weight is negligible compared to a true walking bag, even for 18 holes walking.
    This is especially true if I keep the extras in the bag to a minimum. As a bonus it sits on the pushcart perfectly and doesn't shift around at all.
  15. J22abe


    I am not one to be hard on the things I own, and rarely if ever do things wear or break on me. With that said I have two Titleist bags that have not lasted an entire season before the bottom frayed up and came a part from the plastic boot.
  16. My new Titleist Tour Series Premium Stadry Cart Bag arrived today and i love the Look and the Quality of that.

    If you are looking for a HQ Cart Bag, this is an excellent Choice.

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