By Anthony C

  • 3 Replies
  1. Anthony C

    Anthony C
    Isle of Man, Isle of Man

    I’ve gone from a 3 handicap to a 7 handicap in a matter of 4 months. My problem is I’m going left all the time and for the life of me I don’t know why. I set up square to target, I have an out to in swing but not t over the top. Someone has said I’m collapsing my left leg. Any ideas how I can stop this and get back to where I was please

  2. Gabe B

    Gabe B
    Eau Claire, Michigan

    Anthony without seeing the swing it would be difficult to know for sure, but If you are consistently going left, assuming the ball is flying straight that way and not hooking then it sounds like there is a move at or near the top of the swing. My suggestion would be to try and hit several punch shots with a half swing to ensure the ball is flying straight then adding length to the swing and follow through until you feel the move that is causing the ball to go left.

    There are many of us PGA Professionals that would be able to work on your swing online or in person. If you continue to struggle reach out and take a lesson or two.
  3. Anthony C

    Anthony C
    Isle of Man, Isle of Man

    Thank you, I will try and practise that and see how it goes
  4. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Had the same issue. Went to see a PGA teacher. Told me that I was not lining my shoulders with my target. Helped. But like said before, hard to correct online. Recommend seeing a PGA instructor for correction. They can find your particular problem quickly and correct it.

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