Gaming Gallery Gear

Follow Thread

By John G.

  • 26 Replies
  1. John G.

    John G.
    Colorado Springs, CO


    Do you buy gallery release items for collection displays or are you a gamer?

    Personally I buy all the cool stuff I can but I also game them. You can’t not show off super cool covers and accessories out on the course!

  2. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    I game all the Cameron Gear that I have acquired throughout the years. From limited edition ball markers, to Holiday Edition putters, to headcovers. What's the point if it's not going to be gamed ;)
  3. John G.

    John G.
    Colorado Springs, CO

    I couldn’t agree more! I love all of the release items I’ve acquired and always rotate them out in the bag to show off!
  4. From what I've seen most buy to flip lol. I personally haven't bought any gallery items yet, but if I did I'd game them. Boring just to look at them lol
  5. Game!!
  6. Nic K.

    Nic K.
    Tacoma, WA

    I think it just depends on what the item is. I game a SSS Tour Masterful 009 and rotate several headcovers but I also own several NIB covers that I keep for trade bait to acquire other covers or accessories that I’d prefer to use instead. That being said I also understand that for a lot of golfers out there bringing out a $4000+ putter to the course can feel a bit excessive just depends on who you are and what you’re comfortable gaming.
  7. John G.

    John G.
    Colorado Springs, CO

    I totally understand that side of it. Bringing expensive putters to the course kind of feels like wearing a suit to supper at McDonald’s. Unless you’re playing a big time tournament or a bucket list course. I also understand having a stock for trade bait. I’d love to see your Masterful!
  8. I game my 009m for most of my rounds. I also have a decent collection of covers and towels in constant rotation.
  9. DK

    Doylestown, PA

    I game everything I'm lucky enough to score. What's the point of getting something to only put on display. It's almost like those with iron covers LOL
  10. Kenny PGA Associate

    Kenny PGA Associate

    Haven’t been lucky enough to grab a lot when I was a member. A couple sweaters which I wear. Got a couple head overs that are still in the bags hahaha.
    I would game more Scotty stuff if I could get my hands on it.
  11. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    Depends..... Some putters are "too fancy" for the course and are wall hangers... Covers and ball markers are meant to be gamed!
  12. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    I game all of the Scotty gear I have acquired over the years, even a couple of Circle T putters.
  13. JGutierrez

    New City, NY

    I game my scotty gear!! love showing it off lol.
  14. Gsoup


    I game the little I have. Scotty 2018 Laguna.
  15. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Anything I purchase goes to the course. Gamer.
  16. Brian D

    Brian D
    Corunna, MI

    Im in the game it group as well. If Im buying something (putter/cover/ball marker/etc.) it is so that I can use it on the course.
  17. Buy it to game it. This is the way
  18. Caden F

    Caden F

    I will game all clothes, accessories, ect. My circle T has not touched a ball yet. I am unsure what to do with such a beautiful putter.
  19. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    Caden F said:

    I will game all clothes, accessories, ect. My circle T has not touched a ball yet. I am unsure what to do with such a beautiful putter.

    This is interesting. I feel what your saying for sure. I just wonder sometimes why do we buy things if we dont use them?
  20. Sean M

    Sean M
    Liberty, MO

    I wear my shirts/pullovers (what’s the point of buying clothes if you aren’t going to wear them). I tried to wear the hats/visors to the course but the backside of the designs on the crown of the hats irritated my forehead so they just sit on the shelf now. I game a rotation of putter covers & I use a roller divot. Buy it, use it and enjoy it. I’ve found that most times it’s a conversation starter with other golfers.
  21. I dont have a lot but starting to collect, i dont see the point in having nice bits and not using them!!
  22. Chris A

    Chris A
    Woodstock, GA

    The only SC gallery gear I haven't used is a bag of orange Scotty tees. I love using my ball markers, divot tools and putter covers. I also wear my Scotty gear any change I get.
  23. Craig P

    Craig P
    Tacoma, WA

  24. DK

    Doylestown, PA

    Buy to use it, otherwise what's the point?
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