Torn Rotator Cuff ?

Follow Thread

By Carl T

  • 34 Replies
  1. Michael JC

    Michael JC
    Orwell, VT

    Hey Carl, seeing a good Doc and getting a MRI is first step. Then take it from there. I have had both shoulders done, rotator cuffs, for each. I hope the best for you.

  2. Terry L

    Terry L
    Belle Chasse, LA

    Know how you feel. I had pretty much the same problems with my left shoulder. Finally went to the doctor after an MRI found out I had a torn rotate cuff along with a torn biceps tendon caused by a bone spur. Had the surgery and was out for six months. Shoulder feels good and back to playing golf 4 - 5 times a week with no problems.  Hopefully you will be lucky enough to get by with doing some theraphy for a few weeks.  Good luck.


  3. Carl T

    Carl T
    Little Rock, AR

    Terry L said:

    Know how you feel. I had pretty much the same problems with my left shoulder. Finally went to the doctor after an MRI found out I had a torn rotate cuff along with a torn biceps tendon caused by a bone spur. Had the surgery and was out for six months. Shoulder feels good and back to playing golf 4 - 5 times a week with no problems.  Hopefully you will be lucky enough to get by with doing some theraphy for a few weeks.  Good luck.


    Thanks for the replies from both of you guys. Unfortunately the doctor is going to have to determine my problem with other methods other than an MRI as I have a pacemaker. Your problem with the torn bicep as well as a rotator cuff is interesting as I also have a lot of soreness in my bicep when I have to pick up anything that is remotely heavy e.g., a golf bag. I know that the golf season is just now starting and if I have surgery then I can kiss the summer good bye but it is what it is. Will keep yall posted when I see the doctor on May 11.
  4. Carl T

    Carl T
    Little Rock, AR

    Saw the doctor and preliminary x-rays show I have an impingement that may have partially torn the rotator cuff. I am scheduled for an CT Orthogram in early June to confirm if my RC is torn. I will continue to play until it is determined what is going on with my shoulder.
  5. Dennis B

    Dennis B
    New Lowell, ON

    I'm also having a problem with my shoulders. This winter while playing hockey I heard a pop in my right shoulder. Turns out it's my bicep tendon and arthritis in both shoulders. I have been able (so far) to play 3 rounds with little pain. I go in late June for an MRI to find out how bad it is and whether surgery is needed. Hopefully we can get through the summer. 


  6. Richard F

    Richard F
    Hutchinson, KS

    Unfortunately I fell and had the same symptom. Had that happen two years apart,so both were massive tears, both fixed.

    No pain, but lost a lot of strength. But the important part is I can still play golf. Don't wait to fix it, can tear it even further.

    Good luck

  7. Carl T

    Carl T
    Little Rock, AR

    Thanks for the reply. What my fellow golfers don't understand is that I have lost a tremendous amount of strength in my right shoulder and even though I am still playing and will keep playing until I meet with my Orthopedic doctor to go over my CT Ortho scan June 9, I am now using a lot more club for a given distance, e.g., for a 130 yard shot I am now using a 7 iron instead of an 8. For those that had an impediment removed or rotator cuff repaired, how long did it take you to recover and did you regain the distance you lost before the injury ?
  8. Steve R

    Steve R
    Madison, AL

    Hey Carl, I hate to hear that you are having these issues. Like the others that replied, I too have had both of my shoulders reworked. From rotator cuff, bone spurs, and even a torn labrum, and the ligaments. I know everyone I know that has had these problems have suffered in different ways, but in all cases, including mine, I recovered and the golf game is better than ever.

    I wish you the best, and my thoughts are with you.


  9. Richard F

    Richard F
    Hutchinson, KS

    Probably took a year, but mine was a massive tear, so lost about one club length, but again no pain.

  10. Carl T

    Carl T
    Little Rock, AR

    Well, I hope my CT scan will not show any tears and I am thinking that I will get my shoulder scoped and be done with it. Waiting to find out is difficult. Will keep yall posted.
  11. Carl T

    Carl T
    Little Rock, AR

    I took my CT Orthogram test Friday and the hospital called and said that the test had to be done again because the tech did not get the dye into the shoulder joint. AAAHH. It is rescheduled. Golf has taught me to roll with the punches.
  12. Hotsauce

    Georgetown MA

    Good luck Carl.  I've had shoulder injuries and luckily have been able to rehab them through PT.  I still keep up with it even though my range of motion and strength are back.  We'll be hoping for good news

  13. Carl T

    Carl T
    Little Rock, AR

    Josh G said:

    Good luck Carl.  I've had shoulder injuries and luckily have been able to rehab them through PT.  I still keep up with it even though my range of motion and strength are back.  We'll be hoping for good news

    Thanks Josh. I am having shoulder arthroscopy July 1 to repair torn labrum, maybe a partial tear of the rotator cuff and remove a bone spur. Will start PT about 3 days later. The doctor told me I would not be playing golf for about 4 months so I guess I will have plenty of time to read and watch golf videos. I am looking forward to regain the strength I have lost in my right shoulder and arm. My distance has really suffered with this injury. Keep 'em in the short grass.
  14. Carl T

    Carl T
    Little Rock, AR

    Tomorrow I will have surgery. I will appreciate any prayers for a speedy recovery. I probably will not be able to respond to any replies for a while due to only having my right arm in a sling.
  15. Carl T

    Carl T
    Little Rock, AR

    Had surgery July 1 and good news. No tears in the labrum or rotator cuff but I did have a roughed up bicep tendon which the doctor trimmed. Bone spur was removed that was rubbing my bicep tendon and causing weakness and soreness and doctor says I could be hitting balls again in 6 weeks. I could not have asked for a better prognosis. Right arm is in a sling and I start PT tomorrow. I will miss all of July and part of August but I will not miss the heat. Really looking forward to getting back on the course.
  16. Carl,

      Sorry to hear about your shoulder. I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy who is currently doing a sports residency to become a sports certified physical therapist. (*also a huge golf & Titleist enthusiast). Hope your rehab is going well, if you have general questions about the typical rehab process for your injury shoot me a message! 


  17. Carl T

    Carl T
    Little Rock, AR

    Caleb W said:


      Sorry to hear about your shoulder. I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy who is currently doing a sports residency to become a sports certified physical therapist. (*also a huge golf & Titleist enthusiast). Hope your rehab is going well, if you have general questions about the typical rehab process for your injury shoot me a message! 


    Thanks Caleb. Rehab is going great. I have almost regained 100% mobility in my shoulder and my physical therapist said I have one more session of isometrics and then I will start on building strength at the end of this week. My doctor has prescribed 4 weeks of rehab and I am in week 2. It seems like a long road to recovery but I feel it will be worth it. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Also, the heat index for this week is running between 105 to 115 so physical therapy in the air conditioning is not too bad.
  18. That's great to hear! Definitely an injury and rehab process that you have to have patience with, it will pay off in the end though. Hope things continue to go smoothly for you and you are able to get out there and start chipping and putting soon! 

  19. Carl T

    Carl T
    Little Rock, AR

    This is a follow up on this topic. It has almost been 4 months since I have had a bone spur removed on my right shoulder and I am now starting to hit balls on the range. I am taking it slow and see my self playing as soon as I get my swing back and the weather staying dry and over 50 degrees. Bottom line for future reference for anyone undergoing acromial decompression is as follows: 6 to 8 weeks after surgery putting and short chipping. 8 to 10 weeks short pitching. 10 to 12 weeks longer pitching. 12 to 14 weeks start hitting wedges and short irons on the range. 14 to 16 weeks mid and long irons, hybrids. after 4 months fairway woods and driver. I plan on playing 9 holes at first and then see how I feel. I anticipate playing 18 holes on a regular schedule after Thanksgiving (about 5 months after surgery). Advice to anyone who undergoes this surgery, physical therapy is key and continue on your own after you recover and take it slow.
  20. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    Carl, I have been following this tread and this is great news 2016 will be a good year for you. Hit um straight, Dave...

  21. Hi Carl. It’s 6 years after your surgery & rehab. Did you regain your distance? If so, how long did it take to get back your distance? I am having your identical issues. I have already had an MRI on my right shoulder and it is a partially torn rotator cuff with some impingement. I’ve lost quite a bit of distance and I’d like to know if that is related to my rotator cuff.
  22. Hi:

    I had an impingement about 9 years ago. I couldn't get my arm above my chest. My ortho said if he looked he knew he would find tears as I had been playing active sports for decades. He recommended PT and a couple of cortisone shots. The PT wasn't fun, but I didn't have to go through surgery and I haven't had a problem since. Just another option.
  23. Robert J

    Robert J
    Grafton, Oh

    I had rotator cuff surgery on May 7th, doing rehab, can chip and hit pitches in September. Golfing again starting May 7th. Been a long summer, but hopefully my golf game will improve after all this.
  24. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    I have been her "z"uber driver and caretaker for my wonderful wife for the past six weeks. She had rotator cuff surgery on her right shoulder. She just happens to be right handed. Supposed to visit the doc on Tuesday to see if she can finally start driving again. It has cut into my golfing, with me having to take her everywhere and her doing PT three days a week, no complaints. Do not mind but for an independent person, she is at a loss. Checked the fine print in our marriage certificate and there it was, take good care of spouse, when needed. 44 years in November. She took good care of me during the eleven months after my back surgery and the struggles of not being able to play golf. My wife has always encouraged me to play and never once complained when I took golf trips all over the world. She is one of a kind and has been very good for this old country boy and his love of the game.
  25. I'm scheduled for RC surgery next month.
    Have a tear and spur to fix. Just wondering how the first few days r once home and pain level. Doc says I can chip and putt after 6 weeks then full play after 12 weeks. Sound realistic?

  26. TUrreta

    Reston VA

    Had the same. My major problem the first week was mobility. Pain was manageable with meds except when I tried to do more than just stay still in the sling. I also spent the first 2 nights sleeping on a stuffed chair as trying to lie down in bed caused movement which caused waking up. Started PT after the first week after remaining stitches were removed and was functional at the 6 week mark although still increasing flexibility and motion improvement for another month or so.
  27. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    Good luck, sounds much better than my frozen shoulder fiasco. It took a year and a half out of my golf game.
  28. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    She was released by her doctor to start driving again but still going to PT three days a week. Regaining her independence, BUT cannot raise her arm more than halfway up to her shoulder. Mobility still limited. She is doing very well pain free but not rushing anything. PT is her best friend. Has gone back to work part time at the shoe store where she is doing very very light work. They are so short handed they are just glad to have her back. Life is good and she is doing well. Wishing those having the surgery the best. Listen to the doctor, get a good home care nurse (Chuck is not for hire), do your PT and DO NOT rush the recovery. We play golf for the love of the game, it is not a matter of life or death. =)
  29. No'l

    Palmdale, CA

    Wow, glad to have read this thread.
    I've had an injury to my right shoulder almost 40 years ago and I never did anything about it. Every now and then the pain would show up after working with it. I never went to fix it because it was tolerable and sometimes when the pain is up to level 8 or above, over the counter meds helped. Lately, it's been more often and the level of pain is now constant at 5-6.
    There are many if not all of the same symptoms I'm experiencing as the originator of this post (Carl T).
    I have an appointment with my MD in late September for evaluation and possibly a referral to an ortho.
  30. Dennis H

    Dennis H
    River Falls, Wisconsin

    In 2002 I had the shoulder soreness and in July I was working in the yard and threw a branch. Pain immediately put me to my knees. MRI and surgery. Unfortunately I got a staph infection that had me in and out of the hospital for 4 months including 6 surgeries for debridement. Seven years ago I was warming up for a match and I got the old familiar pain. Actually got through the next three matches to win the thing but did end up getting the thing scoped. When Beau Hossler tore his I was pretty sure what happened by his reaction. Best of luck to anyone with shoulder problems.
  31. 2 weeks from RC surgery on left shoulder but alleve no longer working for constant pain.
    Any suggestions?

    Also my right shoulder /arm is stiff and sore in mornings as I presume from imbalance usage. Anyone experience this?

    Thanks everyone!
  32. Robert J

    Robert J
    Grafton, Oh

    4 months removed from surgery, I am hoping on Oct 7th I will be released to play golf again, haven't played since April. Once released, I plan on heading to Myrtle Beach for a week of golf.
  33. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Have fun up in MB. It is primetime (price wise) for golf in that area. Check your weather reports before you come, it is also tropical storm and hurricane season down here. Does not end until the end of November.
  34. Robert J

    Robert J
    Grafton, Oh


    Chuck Z said:

    Have fun up in MB. It is primetime (price wise) for golf in that area. Check your weather reports before you come, it is also tropical storm and hurricane season down here. Does not end until the end of November.

    Thanks, will do. I will just be happy to out on the course.

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